
A web platform to help people improve their lives through access to careers in tech.

Client: BootUP

Role: UX Designer and Researcher

Methods: Comparative Analysis, Journey Maps, Kano Analysis, Wireframes, Feature Concept Cards

Tools: Figma, InVision, Google Suite

Deliverables: Comparative Analysis | Low Fidelity WireframesFeature Concept Cards | Journey Map | Kano AnalysisAnnotated Wireframes




BootUp needed to build out their candidate portal to focus on providing support throughout a student’s entire bootcamp and job search experience. They wanted to provide potential bootcamp students with information about bootcamps and to increase the potential student’s ability to discern if a bootcamp is for them and which one(s) would help them successfully meet their goals.

Key Users

  • Bootcamp students looking to get hired in a good-fit first role.

  • Prospective students who want to make an informed decision of which bootcamp program to consider.


Stakeholder Interview

The Challenge


New Feature Focus Areas:

1. Decision-making mechanisms to enhance the prospective student experience

2. More robust bootcamp information to increase adoption from bootcamps

3. Friction-free communication mechanisms to facilitate contact between bootcamps & potential students

There were some development constraints as we were given only 50 Development Points for the budget.

The Journey

This project started with the stakeholder interview and identifying BootUp’s goals to look for opportunities to design new features or level up existing features.

Comparative Analysis

We conducted a comparative analysis and compared 5 other tools along with BootUP to identify features, flows, processes and UI elements that are similar, different and what would be the most valuable to our client.

Feature Concept Cards

These feature concept cards were created based on research from the stakeholder interview and also the comparative analysis. Low fidelity wireframes were prototyped from these cards.

Journey Map

These insights then were leveraged into a User Persona to give a name and face to our data and help navigate specified key task flows that would be later designed for our prototype.

Kano Analysis

We conducted a Kano Analysis to narrow down key features that would benefit our client and our users.

Annotated Wireframes

High fidelity annotated wireframes were created based on the results of the Kano Analysis.

These are the recommended features to add or level-up:

  • Onboarding Tool

  • Bootcamp Comparison Tool

  • Meet Our Alumni Spotlight

  • Scholarship Tool

  • Educational Tool

Results, Recommendations, and Reflections


From this project, I had the valuable experience of participating in a Stakeholder Interview with the Developer and CEO of BootUp and learning about the development process and the time constraints it would take to develop the potential new features. They provided valuable feedback and insight that influenced the designs that I created.